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Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

 -Ecclesiastes 4:12


A Discipleship Triads are of 3-4 people of the same gender that meet weekly to grow in their faith while being transformed by Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:18-20)

These groups meet weekly for one hour to discuss life and the Scriptures together.

Groups can meet anywhere they feel comfortable being transparent with each other about their spiritual journey and life in general.

All Discipleship Triads at HEC use the One A Day Plus Prayer reading plan. We read one chapter of scripture each day, journal our thoughts using the S.O.A.P. method, and pray for our day asking God to make us aware of those around us we can encourage with the Gospel.

A triad gathering begins with 20 minutes of personal sharing, followed by 30 minutes in the scriptures around the assigned reading for the day, sharing what was impressed on our heart, and then wrap up with 10 minutes of praying for each other and the lost people in our sphere of influence.

 Anytime a group exceeds four (4) people, the Triad Leader will start preparing to multiple the group by raising up an Apprentice Leader and coach that person on starting and leading a new Discipleship Triad.  (See 2 Timothy 2:2)

Once per quarter we gather all triad leaders and apprentice  for a time of encouragement and training in the fundamentals of the faith, it’s a fun time to share how God is moving, talk about reproducing groups and celebrate those who have come to the faith.


1. One A Day, Plus Prayer Reading Plan

2. A Journal

3. A Pen

4. One Hour Each Week

Praying Hands
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